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The recent surge in transaction volume on the Bitcoin network has sparked conversation and debate about heightened transaction fees and Bitcoin’s overall goals and purpose. This has resulted in questions regarding the network’s future and its ability to handle the increasing demand. In response
How El Salvador is Banking the Un-Banked with Bitcoin
Today, approximately 31% of the world is unbanked, meaning that nearly two-billion people are denied access to financial products and services because they do not meet traditional qualification standards. The reliance on traditional data as a verification method disproportionately affects
China’s Crackdown on Digital Assets: Darin Feinstein’s Insights
While China accounts for approximately 65% of the world’s bitcoin mining, the nation has a complicated relationship with digital assets. The first big crackdown took place in 2013, and in May of 2021, another major regulatory crackdown took place. What
Defining Bitcoin and Dispelling Common Myths
Bitcoin is a decentralized, digital asset that has both intrigued and confused consumers since its introduction. Because of lack of understanding, myths about the digital asset have spread.
Five Tips for Potential Bitcoin Investors
In the last few years, Bitcoin has caught the attention of potential investors. However, even the most experienced investors are not sure how to approach buying Bitcoin. The process can be made a little easier by following a few simple steps.