US Miner Blockcap Plans to Have 40,000 ASICs Operational by Q4

Blockcap, a Bitcoin mining company that launched in 2020, is expecting to have more than 40,000 Bitcoin miners operational by Q4 2021. Blockcap is currently one of the largest Bitcoin mining firms in North America, and currently mines approximately 6 Bitcoin per day.

Aiming for Global Mining Base from North America

Foundry announced in March 2021 that it was opening its Foundry USA mining pool, an entirely-United States-based Bitcoin mining operation, to industrial partners after testing in beta and private modes. 

Foundry Digital’s Bitcoin Mining Pool is Welcoming Institutional Clients

Foundry Digital announced that it has partnered with Darin Feinstein’s digital assets company, Blockcap, to allow Blockcap to mine Bitcoin in its pool. At the time of this announcement, Blockcap released a statement saying it was using approximately 10,000 latest generation mining rings in all of its operations.

Defining Bitcoin and Dispelling Common Myths

Bitcoin is a decentralized, digital asset that has both intrigued and confused consumers since its introduction. Because of lack of understanding, myths about the digital asset have spread.

Five Tips for Potential Bitcoin Investors

In the last few years, Bitcoin has caught the attention of potential investors. However, even the most experienced investors are not sure how to approach buying Bitcoin. The process can be made a little easier by following a few simple steps.